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Frequently asked questions
Enrolling in our swimming programUpon enrolment parents will sign an acknowledgement that they understand and will follow our policies. We are a members’ only privately run facility and your child can start lessons once membership has been accepted. Your child’s position in class is secured after depositing payment in advance. Enrolment can start at any time and is applied the following rules: Each student will attend on the same day and time each week; Partial payments are not accepted; We will not transfer memberships and lessons to other people, including family members; We only credit membership and lessons if Little Fishes is at fault; Little Fishes has a planned closure during public holidays and for up to two weeks during the Christmas/New Year period. You are not charged for these periods; We cannot guarantee teacher schedules.
Make-up lessonsWe offer one make-up lesson per calendar month for notified absences that comply with our policy. Unused make-up lessons do not accumulate and do not role over the following year all make up lessons expire for all customers on our last trading day of the year before our Christmas holiday break. Fifteen make up lessons are provided per student per calendar year. A makeup lesson is valid for 60 days from the date when the notified lesson was missed. You need to notify us of an absence before the class starts. If you do not provide notice during the specified timeframe, you are not eligible for a make-up lesson. Unused make-up lessons are forfeited upon cancellation of membership. Make up lessons are not transferrable to siblings in the same family and or to other family members. We cannot re-schedule missed make-up lessons. We can only offer make-up lesson if our classes are not full. To obtain a makeup lesson, you must mark your child as absent in the customer portal, as we do not overbook classes.
Missing classesMissing two consecutive classes with no communication from the family results in Little Fishes’ right to cancel the membership without offering a refund.
Swimming equipmentMandatory swim apparel for students: Swim nappies for children who are not toilet-trained under 3 years old is compulsory. Swimming cap. Rash vest for parents who join their kids during lessons – children can reach and hold the parent’s shirt instead of being lifted and held by the adult. Swimwear. Pool shoes. Streetwear is not permitted in the pool area.
Taking photos and videosCapturing your child on camera at Little Fishes is allowed only by following these rules: You can capture images or conversations of other people only with consent from those individuals or their parents; No cameras allowed in change room areas and showers; You need to comply with staff requests to discontinue camera use if someone’s privacy is breached; You need to inform us directly if you do not want to have photos or videos of your child taken and used for marketing purposes.
CancellationsCancellations are accepted with 30 days’ notice and you must do this in the customer portal under 'drop request' in your child’s enrolment. Paid fees are not refunded unless Little Fishes is responsible for the cancellation. We reserve the right to make member cancellations if your child conducts inappropriately at the Little Fishes site.
Member expectationsOur members are expected to: Comply with Little Fishes rules and policies; Follow staff directions; Inform staff on pre-existing illnesses and injuries or medical conditions; Pay fees on time; Inform staff on changes of personal details, such as contact information and bank details; Be respectful to staff, students, and parents; Supervise children during parent and child classes; Not bring food and glass containers at the pool area; Be responsible for their personal belongings. Lost belongings that are not recovered are personally donated to charity; Skip classes for two weeks after incidents of communicable illnesses.
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